Black-Bellied Whistling Duck

Common Name: Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
Scientific Name: Dendrocygna autumnalis
Physical Description: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck weighs just under two pounds and grows up to 21 inches1. They are characterized by a brown and black body with a vibrant pink bill and pink maps. They have a bright white stripe on their wing and a grey-brown head. Juveniles will have a more blue-grey bill rather than the pink bill2.
Habitat: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck inhabits inland wetlands (freshwater) throughout the Americas. A migratory bird, they will travel from region to region, moving through an array of different types and sizes of wetlands.
Range: They can be found in the United States in Florida and Texas, as well as Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America
Diet: They eat plants, snails, and insects.
Life Span: They live up to 15 years3.
Social Structure: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck lives in flocks that can number in the hundreds. They are monogamous and will breed for life starting in their first year.
Status: Least Concern4
Other: Their unique call has been described as a high pitch series of whistles and chirps!
Scientific Name: Dendrocygna autumnalis
Physical Description: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck weighs just under two pounds and grows up to 21 inches1. They are characterized by a brown and black body with a vibrant pink bill and pink maps. They have a bright white stripe on their wing and a grey-brown head. Juveniles will have a more blue-grey bill rather than the pink bill2.
Habitat: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck inhabits inland wetlands (freshwater) throughout the Americas. A migratory bird, they will travel from region to region, moving through an array of different types and sizes of wetlands.
Range: They can be found in the United States in Florida and Texas, as well as Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America
Diet: They eat plants, snails, and insects.
Life Span: They live up to 15 years3.
Social Structure: The Black-Bellied Whistling Duck lives in flocks that can number in the hundreds. They are monogamous and will breed for life starting in their first year.
Status: Least Concern4
Other: Their unique call has been described as a high pitch series of whistles and chirps!