Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
Physical Description: Both males and females are 4-4.5 feet in length excluding the tail, up to 34 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 44 and 50 pounds. The Maned Wolf has long legs which allow it to stand high above grasses, with large hind feet. They have red-orange fur with a black patch, or mane, running down their neck and onto their back. They have white under their head and around their eyes as well. Their feet and lower legs are black. Their large ears which they can move independently aid in hunting prey hidden in grasses and brush.
Habitat: They live in grasslands and savannas. The Maned Wolf can also be found in wetlands adjacent to these areas. Range: The Maned Wolf lives in central and eastern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, northern Argentina and Uruguay. Diet: The Maned Wolf is an omnivore who will eat fruit, vegetables, and meat. 50% of their diet in fact can be composed of the loberia, or “Wolf Fruit”. The maned wolf will also eat mice, birds, and other small animals which they use their ears to locate. Lifespan: They can live upwards of 13 years in human care. Social Structure: They are solitary organism outside of the breeding season. A female maned wolf will usually give birth to 2-5 cubs after a gestation period of 9 weeks. Status: Near Threatened1 Other: There are an estimated 17,000 mature individuals left in the wild1. 1 |